Pursing Your Passion

Its never too late! Growing up in Texas with horrible tornadoes, Orelon Sydney always wanted to study meteorology in order to understand them–for a means of comfort. That dream became reality, and by her mid-thirties, Orelon landed her dream job as an on-air weather reporter for CNN. She loved it just as much as she always thought she would, until one day she didn’t. She wanted to make a move; a change. But not reporting for another station, or doing roughly the same thing. She wanted a career change. So what did she do? She quit her very secure and successful meteorology job, and decided to go after her passion for acting.

“I left CNN because it was starting to feel been-there, done-that. About three years before I actually left, I remember going into work one day and thinking, Okay. What now? It was weird, because I was at the point where I could have started coasting. I could have just put it on cruise, and let the car go straight through to retirement. But I was restless. I didn’t just need a different job at another TV station—I needed a new career. I needed to move on. It took me a couple of years to plan, and once I left CNN, I had a moment of, “What did I just do?” If I had stayed, I’d probably be a millionaire by now, but I’m not somebody who will be satisfied with my life just because I’m a millionaire. I’m satisfied when I feel like I’m using the tools I have to the fullest. I think everybody has a certain set of talents, and I think that the highest use of yourself is to figure out what your talents are and maximize them.”

Click below to hear Orelon’s inspiring #actingtips about pursing your passion and how it’s never too late to start a new dream!


Since beginning her career in acting, Orelon has booked roles on Stranger Things, Rectify, and other major shows! Orelon continues to do freelance meteorology around the country (you might even see her on your local weather station) and describes herself as “An actress with the best day job”.



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