How to Become an Actor in Atlanta

How to Become an Actor in Atlanta

Looking to become an actor in Atlanta? Here’s the good news…there are many different routes you can take to achieve success as an actor in Atlanta. Here’s the bad news…all of them are going to take a lot of work. I know work takes a lot of, well, work, but there’s no way around it. So, if you’re ready to work, please keep reading this. If you’re wanting to find a quick ticket to success, skip this blog and just google “how to get discovered and become a famous actor.” I’m sure there are many people out there who are selling that dream.

As an acting coach who has helped actors find success in the Atlanta TV/Film industry for the last decade and a half, I’ve learned many aspects about this journey. And I do emphasize the word journey. As cliche as it sounds, this is a marathon, not a sprint. It is going to take time, dedication, and an unrelenting commitment to excellence. With all this said, I also believe the journey should be fun. One of the coolest parts about my job is that I truly feel as though I get to come to work. I love what I do and I do what I love. If you don’t LOVE acting, go pursue something else. Why? Because that love is what is going to fuel you. That love is going to be the one consistent thing in this wild west of an industry. And as my friend John D’Aquino once said to me, “The more you love the craft of acting, the more the craft of acting will love you!”

While there are a plethora of components that go into how to start acting in Atlanta, I believe there are 3 categories we can focus on that will give you a well rounded approach. We’ll call these your 3 T’s to achieving success as an actor. 

FIND YOUR TRIBE“What tribes are, is a very simple concept that goes back 50 million years. It’s about leading and connecting people and ideas. And it’s something that people have wanted forever.” -Seth Godin (author of the bestselling book TRIBES) – When you find your people, you will no longer feel like you are alone on this journey. I cannot emphasize enough how essential this is to becoming successful as an actor. You will inevitably be knocked down many, many times in this business. When you have to navigate these rough waters alone, it can be extremely difficult. However, if you have your tribe there to help you get back on your feet and remind you why you’re doing this thing, it can be the difference between quitting and persevering. The question then is how can you find your tribe? The best answer I’ve found throughout my career as an acting coach, get into a great acting class. There is no better way to find your people than immersing yourself in a great class. Acting class is one of the few places I’ve found such a wealth of true connection and undeniable support for one another. Acting class is about so much more than just “acting.” It is about camaraderie. It is about helping your fellow human. It is about coming together as a collective, so you can lift each other up, and conquer the world together. Take the time to find the right acting class for you. Atlanta has some amazing programs, but make sure you find a reputable program. Acting class is the perfect segway to our next “T”… 

ALWAYS BE TRAINING“Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” – John Wooden (arguably the best coach in history) – When I first began my career in the acting industry, I thought acting training was a joke. I didn’t appreciate it. I didn’t do it. And I paid the price. I moved to LA with an abundance of confidence and complete lack of understanding. As I progressed in my short lived career as an actor, I quickly realized something was off. I would go to auditions and be in the room with other actors, or be on set with other actors, whom I could see a distinct difference with their understanding of the craft. They were sharper. They were more malleable. They were simply better trained. Ironically, this lack of training is what led me to having such an amazing appreciation for training today. Through decades of working with amazing acting instructors, master teachers, and very well trained actors, I fostered the love I now have for training. There is no place I would rather be than knee deep in a training session with an actor, helping them break through adversity and find their magical moment. It literally fills my soul. So if you are an actor, and you really want to be great, you must consistently train. Not just a workshop here or there. Consistent and repetitive training. Whether this be private coaching or classes, or ideally both, you must be continually strengthening your acting muscle. Make sure you do your research and find a program that is respected in the Atlanta TV/Film industry. See who the top agencies in Atlanta recommend for acting class. Speaking of agencies, it’s time for the next step… 

ASSEMBLE A GREAT TEAM“A team is not a group of people who work together, but a team is a group of people who trust each other.” -Simon Sinek (best selling author of Start With Why) – Let me first establish that your team is not your tribe. Your tribe is your support group. It is your inner core of people, with whom you will create and laugh and share ideas. When I talk about your TEAM, I am talking about your business. As an actor, you are two things, an ARTIST and a COMMODITY. If you’re being honest with yourself as an actor, you must at some point realize that people are buying and selling your business, aka YOU. With that said, you must assemble the right players around you, to help give your business the best chance to succeed. Your team will most often first consist of a talent agent. Finding the right agent for you is a process in itself. Take time to research and understand the different agencies in the Atlanta TV/Film market. Once you’ve done this, the best way to connect with a reputable talent agency is through a referral. Ideally, your acting coach or acting studio has connections with the top agencies in Atlanta. Reason being, no one will know you as an actor better than your acting coach. This is what makes them such a vital part of your team as well. Once you are ready to seek representation (i.e. a talent agent or talent manager), consult with your acting coach and see if they are willing to directly connect you with a reputable agency. Once you have an agent, this will open up a new world of auditions and opportunities. Agents will ideally connect you with casting directors, who will connect you with producers and directors, and so on. As you progress with your business of acting, your team will expand, and God willing, your opportunities and success as an actor will as well!

Written by Catapult Founder, Erik Lingvall!

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