Let’s Get Intentional – Virtual Forum

This week’s webinar discussion revolved around diving deeper into ourselves and focusing on our intentions during this chaotic time. Erik Lingvall was joined by a panel of experts in their fields who gave encouragement for the mind, body, & spirit during this current climate. Panelists included life coach + author Pam Dunn, spiritual leader + […]
Virtual TV+Film Community Forum Recap

Social distancing has caused all of us to alter our way of living in a multitude of capacities. From figuring out ways to fill the day with activities, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and, above all else, taking precautionary measures to stay safe. At Catapult, we’ve also been adjusting to this new temporary way of living, […]
Virtual Parent Seminar Recap

In this week’s free virtual webinar series, we had guests that gave insight from the perspectives of a talent manager, a young successful actor, and the parent of said actor, during this time when most productions are being caused to pause filming + social distance. Will Buie Jr. from Disney Channel’s BUNK’D and his wonderful […]