Pilot season. You’ve heard the term. But what does it actually mean for you and your acting journey? It’s a great time for actors to get cast in an upcoming series. But when is pilot season? When should you be prepared? What is more important – network or digital platforms? Why should you care about […]
Commercial Auditions During Quarantine
It’s no secret that social distancing has turned everything upside down, especially with all auditions having to be filmed at home. But how is the pandemic impacting the world of commercials? We’ve all seen the ads that are addressing Covid-19 and the way their company (Facebook and Walmart, for example) is operating during this time. […]
Similarities + Differences Between Booking a Commercial or TV Role
BY ERIK LINGVALL | MAY 27, 2020 Q: What are the major differences between casting and booking for commercials versus television shows? —@LittleButFierce* As an acting coach, I’m an amalgam of all the perspectives I’ve acquired over the years. That’s also the case with this question, for which I consulted one of my busiest working actors in commercials and TV, […]