our curriculum, Explained

Catapult's Custom curriculum is your track to success!

Catapult Acting Studios offers a holistic approach to actor training, incorporating ideas, tools and techniques from across a wide range of sources. Our curriculum rests on six custom pillars which we believe serve to create both better people and better actors. The Core Curriculum track provides on-camera training for everyone from the brand new, beginning actor to the experienced, working actor and all those in between. Alongside our core curriculum, you will find electives and online class offerings for students of all levels.


Introductory classes

Our Youth Classes begin with Intro to TV+Film for those students who are taking their first steps into the craft of acting. These 8-week classes are an opportunity for brand new actors to learn the basics with an abbreviated commitment level (ie. 8-weeks vs 16-weeks). Classes include improvisation and creativity-building exercises along with on-camera essentials such as slates and storytelling. These 8-week sessions are offered four times throughout each year, giving families the opportunity to sign their children up in the middle of a semester. These classes are designed to be taken one or two times, to bridge students to the next semester when they can take On-Camera Baseline, which is the next step after Intro to TV+Film.

l1 | level 1 | baseline

Our beginner level is called Level 1 (L1) Baseline. Upon successful completion of our Intro to TV+Film, or for those students who are new to TV+Film but already have a little acting experience under their belt (like school theater programs or have past dedication in the arts like ballet, gymnastics and the like), and are ready for a 16-week commitment, we have the beginning of our core track curriculum which is called On-Camera Baseline. This class covers the fundamentals of acting for TV+Film which includes lots of on-camera practice. This class lays both the technical and creative groundwork for further study and development in higher level acting classes. These are 16-week classes and are offered two times a year, Spring (Jan-May) and Fall (Aug-Dec) Semesters.

l2 | level 2 | intermediate

Level 2 (L2) classes are best suited for the actor with previous training and experience, who have the focus and dedication to take their acting craft seriously. Students who have proven themselves to have the skills and dedication in their On-Camera Baseline class and who are recommended by their instructor are invited into On-Camera Intermediate. At the intermediate level, students will delve into scene work, cold readings, begin audition prep and will have a lot of on-camera practice. Weekly homework is required at this level. These are 16-week classes offered in the Spring and Fall Semesters. On-Camera Intermediate is often taken several times to ensure student is ready for the advanced level. Content is always refreshed each semester to ensure continual growth and preparedness.

l3 | level 3 | advanced

Level 3 (L3) classes are for the advanced young actor who is pursuing professional work and /or has successfully completed On-Camera Intermediate with the recommendation from their previous instructor to progress to Advanced. Occasionally students who we discover with exceptional talent in our Summer Acting Camps or On-Camera Baseline are invited to join us in our Advanced classes, but thee are exceptional cases. Our advanced classes will challenge the student to take the skills and techniques they have learned to hone real characters who consistently arrive on screen in truthful representations. These classes are for the experienced and mature young actor and will include significant on-camera practice and required weekly homework to be completed outside of class. These 16-week classes are offered Spring and Fall Semesters.

l4 | level 4 | professional

Circuit Acting Advanced is the signature course created and taught by Catapult founder and owner, Erik Lingvall. This program provides ongoing training and preparation for the young actor pursuing a professional acting career. At the Circuit level, students go beyond your everyday techniques to break down the mental and emotional barriers resulting their most honest on-camera work. These classes include lecture, personal development exercises and on-camera practice. These 16-week classes are offered in the Spring and Fall Semesters and are strictly invitation-only. New students are admitted after approval by Erik Lingvall.


In addition to our core curriculum classes, we offer a variety of elective classes at varying levels. These classes provide focused learning opportunities on a specific topic or niche area, and are designed to provide our students with a well-rounded and comprehensive level of TV+Film training. To qualify for one of our elective classes, the student must have completed an equivalent level of prerequisite core class OR have equivalent prior training and experience. For example, to qualify for a L2 elective, the student must have successfully completed at least one semester of On-Camera Baseline and be recommended by their coach, or show equivalent training/experience. These 16-week classes are offered in our Spring (Jan-May) and Fall (Aug-Dec) Semesters.

online classes

Our full track program is only offered in-person at our Atlanta-based acting studio. Each semester we offer one or two online classes that we consider electives, and have varying levels of prior experience requirements. Our online class topics are chosen each semester based on demand, and are designed to be approachable to a wider audience outside of Atlanta or for any student interested in virtual acting training.


For help finding the right placement for your child, or to discuss prior training and experience for a higher-level course placement, please call us at 404-500-7897, send details by contacting us via online form or you can set up a 15-minute appointment at our studio. We would love to chat with you to help make the best selection for your child(ren).

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